ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 4015 Second edition 2022-06 FastenersHexagonheadboltswith reducedshankshankdiameter pitchdiameter)ProductgradeB Fixations-Visa tete hexagonale partiellementfiletees d tigereduite (diametredetigediametresurflancdefilet)-GradeB Referencenumber IS04015:2022(E) IS02022 IS04015:2022(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS02022 All rights reserved.Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context ofits implementation,no part of this publication may bereproduced orutilized otherwise in anyform orby any means,electronic ormechanical,including photocopying,or posting on orIso's memberbody in the country of therequester. ISO copyright office CP401·Ch.deBlandonnet8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone:+41227490111 Publishedin Switzerland IS02022-Allrightsreserved
ISO 4015 2022 Fasteners — Hexagon head bolts with reduced shank (shank diame