ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 13942 Second edition 2019-05 Bonded abrasive products Limit deviations and run-out tolerances Produits abrasifsagglomerés-Ecarts limites ettolerances de battement Referencenumber IS013942:2019(E) @IS0 2019 IS013942:2019(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @ISO2019 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either IsO at the address below orIso's memberbody in the countryof therequester. ISO copyright office CP 401 : Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone:+41227490111 Fax:+4122749 09 47 Email: Website: Published in Switzerland ii @ IS0 2019- All rights reserved IS013942:2019(E) Contents Page Foreword .. 1 Scope. ..1 2 Normativereferences 3 Terms and definitions .... 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms ..1 5 General ..2 6 Straight grinding wheels, recessed, relieved and hubbed wheels .2 6.1 Relevant shape types according to IS0 525 .2 6.2 Straight grinding wheels for general applications. .7 6.2.1 Limit deviations Tp of the outside diameter, axial run-out tolerance TpL and radial run-out tolerances TRL .7 6.2.2 Limit deviations Th of the hole diameter. .7 6.2.3 LimitdeviationsTpof therecessdiameter andassignmentof radiiR ..8 6.2.4 Limit deviations Tr, Tu of grinding wheel thickness dimensions .8 6.2.5 Limit deviations Te ofthickness at bore. .9 6.3 Straight grinding wheels for other applications not specified in 6.2 .9 6.3.1 Examples ofapplication. ..9 6.3.2 Limit deviations Tp of the outside diameter, axial run-out tolerance TpL and radial run-out tolerance TRL ..10 6.3.3 Limit deviations Th of the hole diameter. ..10 6.3.4 Limit deviations Tp of the recess diameters and assignment of radii R ..10 6.3.5 Limit deviations Tr of the grinding wheel thickness .10 6.3.6 Limit deviations Te of thickness at bore. .11 6.4 Grinding wheels for high-pressure grinding ..11 6.5 Straight grinding wheels used in sets ..11 6.5.1 General. ..11 6.5.2 LimitdeviationsTp of the outsidediamete .12 6.5.3 Limit deviations Tr of the grinding wheel thickness ..12 6.6 Cemented or clamped cylinder wheels and disc wheels .12 6.6.1 Relevant shape types accordingtoIS0525. ..12 6.6.2 Limit deviations Tp of the outside diameter, axial run-out tolerance TpL and radial run-out tolerance TRL ..13 6.6.3 Limit deviations Thof theholediameter. ..14 6.6.4 Limit deviations Tw of the wall thickness. ..14 6.6.5 Limit deviations Tp of the outsidediameter of grinding wheel sets ..14 6.6.6 LimitdeviationsTrofthegrindingwheelthickness ..14 7 Dish and cup wheels .15 7.1 Relevant shape types according to Iso 525 ..15 7.2 Dish and cup wheelsfor general applications ..16 7.3 Dish and cup wheels for tool and cutter grinding ..16 8 Grinding and cutting-off wheels ..16 8.1 Relevant shape types according to IS0 525 ..16 8.2 Limit deviations Tp of the outside diameter, axial run-out tolerance TpL, and the radialrun-outtoleranceTRL ..18 8.3 Limit deviations Thof the holediameter. .18 8.4 Limit deviations T and Tu of the grinding wheel thickness. ..19 9 Segments ..19 10 Cones and plugs withthreaded insert ..21 11 Honing stones and superfinishing stones ..24 12 Hand finishing sticks .24 @IS0 2019-All rights reserved iii
ISO 13942 2019 Bonded abrasive products — Limit deviations and run-out tolerances
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