ISO/TR TECHNICAL REPORT 52003-2 First edition 2017-06 Energy performance of buildings - Indicators, requirements, ratings and certificates Part 2: Explanation and justification of IsO 52003-1 Performance énergétique des batiments - Indicateurs, exigences, classification et certificats Partie2:Explication et justification de Il'lS052003-1 Reference number IS0/TR 52003-2:2017(E) rso International Organization for Standardization @ IS0 2017 ed without license from IHS IS0/TR 52003-2:2017(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS0 2017, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyrightoffice Ch. de Blandonnet 8 . CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 Intenationaibr PrganizationforStandardization ensee-ZHEJIANG INST OF STANDARDIZRoISQ $17 - All rights reserved etworking permitted without license from IHS IS0/TR 52003-2:2017(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction. 1 Scope. 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Symbols and abbreviations 4.1 Symbols ..1 4.2 Subscripts. ..2 5 Description of the document .2 5.1 General .2 5.2 Selection criteria between possible options. 5.3 Input and output data. ..4 6 Relation between EPB features, indicators, requirements, ratings and certificates ..4 7 Energy performance features and their indicators .9 7.1 General.. .9 7.2 Normalization to building size. .9 7.3 Energy performances and their indicators ..9 7.3.1 Overall energy performances.. 9 7.3.2 Partial energy performances ..9 7.4 Ratios of identical/similar quantities as indicators for energy performances. .9 8 Tailoring for requirements and for ratings .10 8.1 Two approaches ..10 8.2 Project characteristics for tailoring ..12 9 Energy performance requirements. ..13 9.1 General ..13 9.2 Choice of the mix of requirements .14 9.2.1 General .14 9.2.2 New buildings .14 9.2.3 Existing buildings (renovations and extensions) .15 9.3 Constant or variable value requirements ..15 9.3.1 Tailoring requirements to individual project characteristics ..15 9.3.2 Tightening the requirements over time.. ..17 9.4 Actual strictness. ..17 9.5 Reporting template for the overall energy performance ..18 10 EPB rating .18 10.1 General. ..18 10.2 EPB rating procedures. .18 10.2.1 Reference point - National legal requirements for new buildings .19 10.2.2 Expressions of reference point of the scale .19 10.2.3 Proposal for the shape of the scale 20 10.2.4Conclusions on Method 2 21 10.3 Reference values.. .21 11 Energy performance certificate 21 11.1 General. .21 11.2 Content of the procedure for a building energy certificate 21 11.3 Content of the energy performance certificate 21 11.3.1 General .21 11.3.2 Default graphical representation model .22 11.4 Recommendations. .22 iii ISee=ZHEJIANG INST OF STANDARDIZATION C1 5956617 vided by IHS under license with ISO ed without license from IHS Not for Resale, 2017/9/12 02:40:03

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ISO TR 52003-2 2017 Energy performance of buildings — Indicators, requirements, ratings and certificates — Part 2  Explanation and justification of ISO 52003-1 第 1 页 ISO TR 52003-2 2017 Energy performance of buildings — Indicators, requirements, ratings and certificates — Part 2  Explanation and justification of ISO 52003-1 第 2 页 ISO TR 52003-2 2017 Energy performance of buildings — Indicators, requirements, ratings and certificates — Part 2  Explanation and justification of ISO 52003-1 第 3 页
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