PD ISO/TS13399-202:2015 BSlStandardsPublication Cutting tool data representation and exchange Part 202: Creation and exchange of 3D models Irregularinserts bsi. ..making excellence a habit. PDISO/TS13399-202:2015 PUBLISHEDDOCUMENT National foreword ThisPublishedDocumentistheUKimplementationofISo/TS 13399-202:2015. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical CommitteeMTE/18,Toolstipsandinsertsforcuttingapplications. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. @TheBritishStandardsInstitution2015.PublishedbyBSIStandards Limited2015 ISBN9780580815669 ICS25.100.01; 35.240.50 Compliancewitha BritishStandardcannotconferimmunityfrom legal obligations. This Published Document waspublished undertheauthorityof the StandardsPolicyandStrategyCommitteeon31August2015. Amendmentsissuedsincepublication Date Text affected PDISO/TS13399-202:2015 TECHNICAL ISO/TS SPECIFICATION 13399-202 Firstedition 2015-08-15 Cutting tool data representation and exchange - Part 202: Creation and exchange of 3D models — Irregular inserts Representation et échange des données relatives aux outils coupants Partie 202:Création et échange demodeles 3D-—Plaquettes irregulieres Reference number IS0/TS13399-202:2015(E) @ISO2015

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ISO TS 13399-202 2015 Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 202  Creation and exchange of 3D models — Irregular inserts 第 1 页 ISO TS 13399-202 2015 Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 202  Creation and exchange of 3D models — Irregular inserts 第 2 页 ISO TS 13399-202 2015 Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 202  Creation and exchange of 3D models — Irregular inserts 第 3 页
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