ISO/TS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 16975-1 Firstedition 2016-06-15 Respiratory protective devices Selection, use and maintenance Part 1: Establishing and implementing a respiratory protective device programme Appareilsdeprotectionrespiratoire-Choix,utilisation et entretien Partie 1:Elaboration et mise en oeuvre d'un programme pour les appareils de protection respiratoire Reference number ISO/TS16975-1:2016(E) ISO @IS02016 IS0/TS16975-1:2016(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS02016,Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISOcopyrightoffice Blandonnet8.CP401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +4122749 0947 ii @IS0 2016-All rights reserved IS0/TS 16975-1:2016(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction.. 1 Scope. 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Abbreviated terms ..3 5 Situations for using RPD ..4 6 RPD programme ..4 6.1 General .4 6.2 RPD programme elements 4 6.3 Roles and responsibilities .5 6.3.1 General .5 6.3.2 Employer. .5 6.3.3 RPDProgrammeadministrator .5 6.3.4 Wearer .5 6.4 RPD programme implementation .5 RiskassessmentandRPDselection .5 7 7.1 General. .5 7.2 Selection procedure-] Flowcharts 7.3 Selection procedure. .14 7.3.1 Hazard assessment. .14 7.3.2 Adequacyassessment. .14 7.3.3 Suitability assessment. 16 7.4 Fit testing 23 7.4.1 General. 23 7.5 Training 24 7.5.1 General 24 7.5.2 Training programme elements 25 7.6 Use. 25 7.6.1 General .25 7.6.2 Pre-use checks 25 7.6.3 Filter change schedule (filtering RPD) 26 7.6.4 Breathable gas quality 26 7.7 Maintenance Procedures. 29 7.8 Storage 30 7.8.1 General. 30 7.8.2 Escape devices 30 7.9 Programme review. .30 7.10 Records and record keeping. .30 AnnexA (informative) Types and components ofRPD .32 Annex B (informative) Hazard assessmentfor RPD selection ..42 AnnexC(informative)Adequacyassessment ..43 AnnexD(informative)Suitabilityassessment. .49 Annex E (informative) Medium and high pressure compressed air for RPD ..57 AnnexF (informative)Maintenance. ..59 AnnexG (informative)Programmereview. .60 AnnexH (informative)RPDselectionforbioaerosols .61 @ IS0 2016 - All rights reserved iii

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ISO TS 16975-1 2016 Respiratory protective devices — Selection, use and maintenance — Part 1  Establishing and implementing a respiratory protective device programme 第 1 页 ISO TS 16975-1 2016 Respiratory protective devices — Selection, use and maintenance — Part 1  Establishing and implementing a respiratory protective device programme 第 2 页 ISO TS 16975-1 2016 Respiratory protective devices — Selection, use and maintenance — Part 1  Establishing and implementing a respiratory protective device programme 第 3 页
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