PD ISO/TS 17938:2014 BSI Standards Publication Health informatics - Semantic network framework of traditional Chinese medicine language system bsi. ..making excellence a habit' PDISO/TS17938:2014 PUBLISHEDDOCUMENT National foreword This Published Document is the UK implementation of Iso/TS 17938:2014. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical CommitteeIST/35,Healthinformatics. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Thispublicationdoes notpurport to includeall the necessary provisions of a contract.Users are responsible for its correct application. The BritishStandards Institution2014.PublishedbyBSIStandards Limited2014 ISBN9780580793769 ICS35.240.80 Compliancewitha BritishStandardcannotconferimmunityfrom legal obligations. This Published Document waspublished underthe authority of the Standards Policyand StrategyCommitteeon30June2014. Amendments issued sincepublication Date Textaffected PDISO/TS17938:2014 TECHNICAL ISO/TS SPECIFICATION 17938 First edition 2014-06-15 Health informatics Semantic network framework of traditional Chinese medicine language system Informatique de santé-Cadre deréseau sémantique du systeme de langagedelamédecinetraditionnellechinoise Referencenumber ISO0/TS17938:2014(E) O @IS02014
ISO TS 17938 2014 Health informatics — Semantic network framework of traditional Chinese medicine language system