PDISO/TS18507:2015 BSIStandards Publication Surface chemical analysis - Use of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy in biological and environmental analysis bsi. ..making excellence a habit. British Star Js Institutior lity and Standardization 5990390 PDISO/TS18507:2015 PUBLISHEDDOCUMENT National foreword ThisPublishedDocument istheUK implementationofIsO/TS 18507:2015. TheUKparticipation in its preparationwas entrustedtoTechnical CommitteeCll/60o,Surfacechemicalanalysis. Alistof organizationsrepresentedonthiscommitteecanbe obtained on request to its secretary. Thispublicationdoesnotpurportto includeallthenecessary provisions ofa contract.Users are responsiblefor its correct application. The British Standards Institution 2015.Published by BSI Standards Limited2015 ISBN9780580815430 ICS71.040.40 CompliancewithaBritishStandardcannotconferimmunityfrom legal obligations. This Published Document was published undertheauthorityofthe Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 July 2015. Amendments issued since publication Date Textaffected British Standards Insttution jicensee=Chongqing Institute of quality and Standardization 5990390 omIHS PDISO/TS18507:2015 TECHNICAL ISO/TS SPECIFICATION 18507 First edition 2015-07-15 Surface chemical analysis Use of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy in biological and environmental analysis Analysechimiquedessurfaces-Utilisationderéflexion spectroscopie des rayons Xde fluorescence totale dans I'analyse biologique et deI'environnement Reference number IS0/TS18507:2015(E) LSO British Standards Insttution uality and Standardization 5990390 IS02015

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ISO TS 18507 2015 Surface chemical analysis — Use of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy in biological and environmental analysis 第 1 页 ISO TS 18507 2015 Surface chemical analysis — Use of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy in biological and environmental analysis 第 2 页 ISO TS 18507 2015 Surface chemical analysis — Use of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy in biological and environmental analysis 第 3 页
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