ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 22262-1 First edition 2012-07-01 Air quality Bulk materials Part 1: Sampling and qualitative determination of asbestosincommercialbulkmaterials QualitedeI'air-Materiauxsolides- Partie 1:Echantillonnage et dosage qualitatif de I'amiante dans les materiauxsolidesd'originecommerciale Reference number ISO 22262-1:2012(E) LSO CopyihtInternational Organizationfor Standardization @ISO 2012 ed without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO22262-1:2012(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO2012 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IsO at the address below or isO's memberbody in the country of therequester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56· CH-1211Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ISO 2012 -All rights reserved No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ISO 22262-1:2012(E) Contents Page Foreword v Introduction vi 1 Scope. 2 Termsanddefinitions 3 Symbols and abbreviated terms 4 Principle. 8 4.1 General.. 8 4.2 Substance determination 8 4.3 Typeof sample.. 8 4.4 8 4.5 Limit of detection. 4.6 LimitationsofPLM inthedetectionofasbestos 9 5 Samplecollection 9 5.1 Requirements. 9 5.2 Procedure. 10 6 Samplepreparation.. 14 6.1 General.. 14 6.2 Removal of organic materials byashing 14 6.3 Removalofsolubleconstituentsbyacidtreatment 14 6.4 Sedimentationand flotation.. 14 6.5 Combinationof gravimetric reduction procedures. .14 Analysis byPLM 14 7.1 Requirements. 14 7.2 QualitativeanalysisbyPLM. 19 8 Analysis bySEM 29 8.1 General... 29 8.2 Requirements. 29 8.3 Calibration.... 29 8.4 Samplepreparation. .30 8.5 QualitativeanalysisbySEM 30 9 31 Analysisbytransmissionelectronmicroscope 9.1 General .31 9.2 Requirements. 32 9.3 Calibration. 32 9.4 Samplepreparation. 33 9.5 Qualitative analysis byTEM .33 10 Testreport. .35 AnnexA (normative)Types of commercial asbestos-containing material AnnexB(normative)Interferencecolourchart.. Annex C (normative) Dispersion staining charts... .41 AnnexD (normative)Asbestos identification byPLM and dispersion staining in commercial materials.... ..43 AnnexE(normative)AsbestosidentificationbySEM incommercialmaterials .52 AnnexF(normative)Asbestos identificationbyTEM in commercial materials.. ...58 AnnexG(informative)Exampleofsamplingrecord .67 AnnexH(informative)Exampleoftest report 68 ii ed without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 22262-1 2012 Air quality — Bulk materials — Part 1 Sampling and qualitative determination of asbestos in commercial bulk materials
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